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Our Ministries

Our congregation serves the local community, and provides foreign and domestic missionary outreach. Read more about our ministries below.

Christian Education

Endeavors to nurture the faith of our members by encouraging Christian growth and spiritual maturity. Weekly Sunday school services, mid-week Bible services, AWANA, annual Vacation Bible School, as well as various workshops, provide learning for all ages. Also, provided for furthering ones Christian Education is our accredited Bible College program.

Media Ministry 

The purpose of the media ministry is to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our visually-driven, ever changing world through the use of technology and media, and to equip other ministries of the church to use digital and electronic media as a worship and outreach tool.

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Music Ministry 

This ministry serves to exalt and praise the Lord in song and provides the opportunity for everyone to exercise their musical talents with Choirs for All ages.


  • Senior Choir

  • Gospel Choir 

  • Junior Choir 

  • Tots Choir

  • Unified Choir (Combined)

  • Adult Praise Team 

  • Contemporary Praise Team

  • Male Praise Team

Service Ministry

Our Service Ministries have the wonderful opportunity to make you feel right at home. Though Friendship Chapel thrives on living up to its name, it is the service of these five teams that take it to another level. These devoted members go above and beyond the call.


  • Welcome Team

  • Usher Board Team

  • Hospitality Team

  • Pastors Aide Team

  • FCBC Safety Team

Youth Ministry

Creating a place for youth to Belong, Believe and Behave! 

Children's & Youth Church

Self-Serve Nursery 

Liturgical Dance 

Junior Choir

Tots Choir 


Prayer Ministry

Continually serves to lift up the church, special programs, and intercession for special needs. Leads monthly prayer services & prayer conference calls 

Missionary & Outreach Ministry

Provide foreign and domestic missionary outreach, and reach out with compassion to the sick, needy, and bereaved to bring hope, encouragement, and comfort. We strive to fulfill the command to "bear one another's burdens." We serve the community through our nursing home ministry, our deacon and men's ministries. We also participate in the F.A.I.T.H. Evangelism Program -- seeking disciples in our community door to door.

  • Local Missions- Meeting the needs of people in our local community. 

  • Guyana- Providing support through Victory International, outreach for the nation through teaching, training and humanitarian aid. 

  • Cameroon- Church plant support- Redemptive Baptist Church, and support Vibrant Church Network and its mission in Cameroon, Liberia & other countries 

  • India- Orphanage Sponsor

  • Russia- Supporting orphans through My Open Heart Identity Organization 

  • Uganda- African Children's Choir (Pastor Joseph) and orphanage sponsor  

  • Zimbabwe- Supporting churches by responding to special needs 

  • Worldwide- Supporting The Gideons International bible distributions around the world. 

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